Saturday, May 16, 2015

Brothers Forever

My sister-in-law, Rachel, gave the boys a book called "Brothers Forever" for Easter, and it is so fitting and so perfect. I am finally reaping the benefits of having the babes so close together. The first eight months were pretty difficult, but how those two interact with each other makes it all worth.

I wouldn't say Quinn was anti-Daxton in the beginning, but he definitely didn't want to share Dada and Grandma with him. Now, it is a totally different story. Quinn has started asking if he can play blocks with Daxton, play with his animals with Daxton, and Quinn's new favorite game, "2 guys hanging out." That is where Quinn and Dax get in Quinn's crib together with all of the stuffed animals. They will hold on to the railing and jump up and down laughing at each other and will start rolling around in the stuffed animals. It's pretty funny. Quinn also loves to play peek-a-boo with Daxton and takes any opportunity to make him laugh.

It was hard to have two kids under the age of two, but now I am so grateful they have each other. It brings so much joy to my heart to see them playing and laughing toether. I've said this before, but I know they were meant to come down to this earth to be brothers and to be a part of our family. They truly are brothers forever.

Where's Quinn?

It is so green out here! I love it!

These are the flowers Chris got me for Mother's Day

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