Friday, July 26, 2013

It's All of our Birthdays this Summer...

Christian celebrated his 28th birthday while we were out in Wisconsin. He got some Punch to the mouth and a Grand Ol' sundae afterwards. Later in the evening we went to an indoor shooting range where he got to shoot all of my parents' pistols. Carly joined in the celebration along with Rachael Hartman, some Skor cake, and a cranky baby.


Last week our little family was able to take a trip back home to Wisconsin for my brother Steven's wedding. Quinn did great on the airplane on the way out; the way back was a little different, but we survived. We didn't do too much on our trip because we were busy getting ready for the wedding, but we managed to squeeze a few things in. Despite our busy schedule, the company was the best part of the whole trip. We got to spend time with cousin Sawyer, Jeffrey, Rachel, and Grandma and Grandpa.

It was great to see Steve and Ashley and be a part of their special day. The rehearsal dinner and the wedding were both a great success. My mom and Rachel cooked up a delicious meal for the rehearsal dinner that was 100 times better than any caterer could have provided-definitely worth the stress of putting it together. The ceremony was really sweet, and the dinner and dancing was a lot of fun. All in all it was a great trip, and we really enjoyed our time back home.

A little update on Quinn...He turned four months on the 24th! He has rolled over both ways now, which is very exciting, and he is starting to sit up when he's on soft surfaces like a bed or a couch. He is so strong! At his doctor's appointment he weighed in at 15 lbs 11 oz. He is in the 50th percentile for his weight and the 75th percentile for his height. He is full of laughs and smiles except for when he gets woken up from a deep sleep. We have learned to never never never wake a sleeping baby.

The boys got to shoot the AR 15 out at Mike and Sally's house. It was especially exciting because they shot exploding targets made with tanerite.

Cousin Sawyer watering the garden.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Roll Over Johnny...Here's Quinn!

First things first. Yesterday Quinn rolled over for the first time! At three and a half months old my baby rolled on his own from back to front. It was a momentous event that will go down in history. Actually, I wasn't even trying to get him to roll. I was sitting on the futon, and he was on his play mat. He just went ahead and did it like his been doing it his whole three months of life. It has been so much fun watching him grow and progress, and I look forward to things to come while enjoying the present.

On to the next thing...anyone who has held Quinn has mentioned how incredibly strong he is. He doesn't like to be on his bum, but prefers to be held up so he can bounce on his legs. It has always been a joke that he needs johnny jump-up since forever, so today we finally got him one. He doesn't do much in it yet, (I still think he's too little) but he looks happy being able to look around our apartment from a different perspective other than his back. So now he has a bumbo chair, his play mat, and a johnny jump-up helping him to grow stronger and hone his skills.

Christian was holding Quinn one night, and I whipped out the camera to try to get a picture of his pouty lip. Quinn is the poster child for what a pouty lip should look like. Sadly, I still haven't figured out the camera so some of the pictures had a yellow tinge to them and some of them were clear. I don't know...I think it has something to do with how long I hold the button down. Hopefully my photographer skills improve with practice.

These pictures showcase the many faces of Christian. After I got Quinn's pouty lip I kept taking pictures, and Christian surprised me with a different face in each one. Here is a brief sample of what I captured.

This picture should be on the box for this baby seat.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sunday Surprise

After church on Sunday we had the rare opportunity for all of us to take a family nap. Quinn normally doesn't take more than 30 minute naps during the day, but this time he slept almost 2 hours! When Quinn and I woke up we had a little surprise for us in our apartment...water everywhere! I looked out of our bedroom door and saw water dripping from various parts in the ceiling. I slowly walked around the apartment in shock and made my way to the storage room only to find that it was even more flooded in there. I quickly woke Christian up to tell him the news. We heard a vacuum going upstairs and Christian ran up to see what was going on. Mike was using the shop vac to vacuum up all of the water that had accumulated. A water hose from the toilet broke, and he said the water was ankle deep when he got home from church. Luckily, we didn't have it as bad as Mike did. It didn't make it to our bedroom, and it was relatively easy to clean.

We were blessed because the water didn't drip on anything valuable like the TV or the laptop or my area rug. It did however soak Quinn's car seat, my nice running shoes, half of our toilet paper, my tote of my hair tools was completely full of water (luckily my hair straightener was in the bathroom, but everything else was lost), all of our kitchen rugs, Leeroy's cat food, and various other things. We ended up calling Derek over to help us move everything out of the storage room. No one was unscathed, even Derek got some light fixture water spilled on him.

We left the apartment torn apart and dripping because we couldn't really do anything while the ceiling was still leaking water, and we were hungry and looking forward to eating the fish we caught at Strawberry the day before. We took some things over to Steadman's to spray off and dry out, including my purple running shoe and Quinn's car seat.

Christian took work off on Monday to help get everything cleaned up and put back to normal. After a couple trips to Wal-Mart and a full day of doing laundry we did just that. If anything it was a good thing because we got our storage room and living room nice and clean and everything reorganized.

Again, we were very blessed in that it wasn't much worse. There have been so many people displaced from their homes because of natural disasters and my prayers go out to them. This has only been a small hiccup in our regular routine.

This is what Quinn was doing while Mom, Dad, and Uncle were dealing with...


A Tribute
I'm sure like other girls do, I get attached to certain items of clothing, shoes, and hair tools and struggle to throw or give anything away when I don't use it anymore.Some things just hold special memories or special significance, and it is difficult to let them go. They served me well, and I feel as if they are too good to go in the trash. Sadly, some of my beloved hair tools met their demise because of this weekend's events. I would like to say a little something in their honor.

Hair Dryer: Even though you may have caused permanent hearing damage from your loudness in my small bathroom you were still loved. You served me in many ways. You gave my hair volume and life so I could straighten it without it going flat. You even came with an attachment that suited my curly hair needs. You will be missed.

1 inch Curling Iron: You gave me the perfect curls when I discovered that I liked the look of wrapping over clamping. You burnt my fingers many times, but that heat provided more pleasure than pain. Our time together was short, but it was time well spent.

1 1/2 inch Curling Iron: You may have felt neglected and unloved when wrapping became my new thing, but you always came through when I needed you the most, giving me a whole different look than the 1/2 inch could ever provide. I don't know when I will get another like you, but your loss will remain heavy in my heart until that day.

And the greatest loss of all...
My first T3 Hair Straightener: Even though you had already been replaced by a newer version I could not let you go. I kept you until that fateful day when I found you in your watery grave. My whole life I had frizzy and unruly hair, and then I met you. You tamed my lion's mane and shaped me into the woman I am today. Sleek, smooth, and sexy are words to describe how you made me feel. I could never repay you for what you gave me...the gift of straight hair. But it wasn't just straight hair, it was a hairstyle that could outlast the most humid days of those hot Wisconsin summers, days when I would normally give up and pull my hair back. You gave me the gift to be able to let my hair down after 18 years of restricting pony tails. You freed me and now you are free. You have started a legacy to be passed on through the generations of hair straighteners everywhere. The world is a more beautiful place because of you; I am more beautiful because of you. Rest in peace T3. I will never forget you.