Sunday, June 15, 2014

35 Weeks

 (my painting is in the background. I love it, but we discovered that it is not good to take pictures in front of. The gray undertones aren't very flattering)

5 weeks sounds like a good amount of time, but it is coming up really fast. We still need to do some major things in our apartment before this baby is allowed to come, and I can only work on my updates while Quinn is asleep. Aaahhh so much to do, but I am excited to meet our new little baby. Now what to name him?...

Luckily the heartburn only lasted a couple nights,  but I'm still pretty congested from getting sick. Baby is still moving around a ton, and I feel like my stomach has gotten bigger within the last week. I already don't have a decent pair of pants to wear and now even my shirts aren't fitting very well. It will be nice to wear normal clothes again.

We are still working on the game plan for when I go into labor. Epidural or no epidural? I really can't decide because the biggest unknown is how long it is going to last. If I knew that I feel like I could be mentally prepared to stick it out for so long, but there is no way to know. We will need to keep discussing it with the midwife to see if we can come up with some good pain tolerance strategies.

All in all I'm doing pretty good. I do complain about the sore hips and when Baby hits my sciatic nerve and a shooting pain goes down my thigh. I know other women have it a lot worse, and I am grateful to have had two healthy, full-term pregnancies. There is no greater blessing than having children even though the weight gain, discomfort, and awkward body shape make being pregnant not so fun sometimes. However, it is definitely, definitely worth it.

Happy Father's Day! (#2)

I would like to wish my dad, husband, father-in-law, and all of our father friends a very happy Father's Day! Ours was very low key. Christian is going to find a remote controlled airplane for his gift so we didn't have much to do today. We went to church, took naps, then went to my parents' for dinner. It's always nice to have a relaxing Sunday.

I am so grateful for Christian and how great of a dad he is. He is so great with Quinn. It is very apparent how much Quinn loves Chris by the way he is always saying "Dada." He rarely says mama. I love the days when we spend time together just the three of us (soon to be 4!). I truly believe that having children under the right circumstances brings us the most joy in life. Fathers and mothers are both needed! And I'm glad that both have a day out of the year to be recognized for everything they do. Fathers like Christian definitely deserve it!

A little side note:
I have acquired my first victim for refinishing. I will post before and after pictures. Actually, I will post them only if it turns out. I'm not sure how this is going to go because I haven't done anything like this before, but I need a new hobby, and I'm really not liking the bulbosaur entertainment center we have right now. So cross your fingers and I will keep you updated. I'm done to 5 weeks and still have a very long list of things I want done.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

34 Weeks and a Big Surprise

34 Weeks

Where do I even begin? I was doing good and cruising along until this week. Quinn got sick (I blame nursery). I was so sad for him because his little voice was hoarse, he wasn't sleeping well, and I could tell he was miserable...and then I got it, and I knew he was miserable. Throw on top of being sick the worst heart burn in my life, and the usual tiredness of being 34 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy has definitely had it's differences from my first.

This baby is constantly moving! I do get some inner joy and tender feelings toward our little guy while he's moving around, but when he's kicking me from the inside and Quinn is kicking me from the outside, I want a little break.

I just started getting heart burn the last couple of nights, and it has been terrible. It is not just the acidic heart burn that bubbles up every once in a while but this heavy pain in my whole chest. I thought I would have to go to the emergency room last night and get a c-section to relieve my agony. That is a little extreme, but I hadn't slept, my throat hurt, my ears were itchy, and my chest hurt so bad, something had to give.

This pregnancy I have gone from craving vegetables to carbs to ice cream to cereal. Now I am at that point where I have no room in my stomach for much of anything, and I don't get hungry. I know I need to keep eating, but there is no room in there. Baby is taking up all of my space. These are all new things that I didn't have with Quinn and it's been hard to get used to because I wasn't expecting them. I thought things would sail as smoothly as the first, but they aren't.  I will admit that today I've started to feel doubtful about being able to go another six weeks. At this point it seems like a really long time.

My Big Surprise!

Since we have moved out here I have been scouring Craigslist, pinterest, and the whole internet on ways to decorate and furnish our new home. We actually have space we can fill and the freedom to coordinate and do what I want. The big thing is that I need to try to spend as little money as possible while trying to get everything done on my ambitious list before Baby gets here.

The first thing we needed before we could do anything was a couch because our whole color scheme and set up of our living room revolves around that main piece of furniture. However, before we could get a couch, we needed to have our garage sale to empty out some of the garage and raise money for the couch. After two weekends of garage selling we called it good and started looking at furniture stores.

At the second furniture store we visited I found a sectional I really liked. I loved the fabric, color, size, and the price of the sectional. We decided we would go home and measure out our space to make sure it would fit and return to the store on Monday. We measured our space and thought the sectional may be too big because we wanted to make sure Quinn would still have room to play, and I didn't want our whole space taken up by a couch.

We were really bummed out but thought it was the right decision to keep looking. On Tuesday we tried a different furniture store. We found a sectional we liked, but it was a little over our budget. We walked through the whole store not liking anything else, and then I saw the same sectional from the previous store. We went and sat on it, and I was convinced it was smaller and couldn't be as big as the other one. Christian assured me it was the same sectional and there was no size difference. It just didn't seem like it would be too big. Also, it was cheaper than the first store we saw it in.

Christian talked to the saleswoman, and we decided to get it, but the next question was the color. We both really liked the grey, but they would've had to order it and it wouldn't have arrived for 3-4 weeks. I have a baby coming in six! How could I wait that long? I still need to paint, refinish two dressers, find curtains, kitchen rugs, bathroom rugs, and hang things on the walls. All of this is waiting on the couch. We talked it over and waiting another 3-4 weeks was worth it to get the color we wanted if you considered that we will have this couch for a very long time. I conceded to having to take my paint swatches to the store so I could pick which one went best with the grey couch and kind of going from there.

Fast forward to Saturday. We didn't have much going on, but my parents were really busy hosting a camp-out for the young women. I didn't think we were going to go over there at all, and we would have a lazy Saturday at home. My dad called in the afternoon and asked if we wanted to come over, and Christian said he wanted to go look at guns. As soon as we got to their house he asked Christian to go with him to buy some dirt at Fleet Farm. I thought that was their out to make a stop to look at guns somewhere along the way. I was happy to just get out of our house and hang out somewhere else so I didn't complain.

Later that evening it had seemed like they had been out too long to just be buying some dirt, but I just assumed they had stopped to shoot guns or look at guns or something along those lines that was fun for them. They brought dinner home, and we hung out for a little while longer until Quinn's bedtime when we had to leave. When we got home we came in through the garage, and I was distracted with getting Quinn out of his seat and starting to prepare him for bed...until I looked over into our living room. My sectional was sitting there, and I could not believe what I was seeing! I jumped up and down and ran over there having no idea how we had our couch already. While I was laying all over my couch I looked at our wall and saw the painting I had admired at the store and commented on how it would go well with the dune colored couch while taking up a good portion of our vaulted ceiling wall space. Christian, in all of his sneaky ways, ordered the dune color instead of the pewter so we could get it sooner, and he also got the painting along with it. I love him, and I love my new couch and painting!

I think it will work out really well because the dune is more of a tan gray which will allow me to bring in warmer colors as opposed to the pewter where I would have had to stick to cool colors. I absolutely love it, and it doesn't take up too much space. I will be great for entertaining and snuggling my Quinn and new baby. We got it at perfect timing too because Saturday night was the night my heart burn was really bad so I came out on the couch and was able to fall asleep propped up on our spacious sectional. Now if only we could get a bigger TV....I know, one thing at a time. A new TV is towards the bottom of my home furnishings list and is a ways off. I think next is a little bit of paint to warm up our very white walls.

I will take some pictures to add to this post. I just wanted to get all the details of my very exciting weekend written down.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

14 Months

Quinn has changed so much and has learned so many new things in the two months we have been living in the Midwest. When we first got out here it was hard for me because he really transitioned from a baby to a toddler. He makes me laugh everyday, and it just amazes me how smart he is.

Here are some of the new things he has learned: he signs "more" and "all done." He doesn't quite understand what "more" is for, but he knows it's associated with food so he uses it mostly when he's hungry. He knows that "all done" means he gets to get out of his high chair. He also knows the sign for "bird" and will use it when he hears birds or sometimes when he's looking outside.

Before he would only acknowledge kitties and kind of ignore dogs, but since he has been around Bella he now will imitate her howl and associates that with every dog he sees. I'm not sure that he knows that most dogs bark, but it is so cute when he howls.

He has recently picked up on how to pray. If we are saying family prayers he is good about being quiet and folding his arms. He even bows his head a little. Today he was sitting in his high chair while I was trying to feed him and he started praying. He will fold his arms and talk real quietly. It is so adorable! I have such a sweet boy. I need to catch that on film, but whenever we take our phones out he stops doing whatever it was that was cute.

Christian uses snakey on Quinn, and he loves it. He laughs and tries to get away, but now he starts retaliating with his own snakey. He makes the sound and holds up his hand--another thing I need to catch on film.

Quinn can also blow his own bubbles, open the doors in our house (we have lever handles), and he plays really well in nursery, except for when Grandma is holding another child. Then he gets jealous and wants to take his rightful place on her lap. I think that sums up a lot of the new things he is doing. Sorry if this bores anyone. I think of this blog as an extension of my journal, and I want these things documented.