Saturday, February 22, 2014

Almost 19 weeks

I hate to say that I'm 18 weeks pregnant when I will be 19 weeks on Sunday. Close enough right? It's hard to say if there is anything different with this pregnancy compared to Quinn's because they both have been pretty easy. The biggest difference with this one is that I want vegetables. I made creamed cucumbers the other day and ate them all by myself (not just because I'm pregnant. I would've shared but Chris doesn't like them). Their vinegary chilled goodness hit the spot.

My plan to avoid gaining unnecessary weight is to walk most days of the week, weather and Quinn permitting. That is what I did with Quinn and it seemed to work. When I say I go for walks I don't mean a twenty minute jaunt around the block. We are out for almost an hour and I always include a steep hill or two to get my heart pumping. Otherwise I don't see the point in going.

As far as eating goes, I don't restrict what I eat, but I don't go crazy just because I'm pregnant. I pretty much eat normal. My rule of thumb for my diet is very little to no pop or juice and rarely, rarely eat fast food, like burgers and fries type of fast food. I mostly eat homemade meals and treats. To me, that is the only way to go.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you everyone had a great day filled with love and chocolate. I personally don't make a big deal out of this holiday. It may be because my birthday is the week before and our anniversary is a week after. I also feel like a day where everyone is forced to show their special someone they love them isn't so special because it's more about the pressures of society and less sincere.

However, we did have a good day. Christian worked his last day at Goldsmith on Wednesday so he didn't have to go to work today which was really nice. We ended up going to the mall and completed my birthday present by buying two blouses and enjoyed an early dinner at Zupas.

The highlight of the day was this evening when Quinn was sitting on the futon next to Christian and started playing with some diapers. It progressed to the point where he thought it would be funny to  feed one to his dad. The video tells all...


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

I celebrated my 25th birthday this week. I have been married for five years, am pregnant with my second child, graduated from college, and now I can finally rent a car! What a big milestone. It was a good birthday. Chris and I went to see the Lego Movie, and we had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. It was really great since we hardly get out anymore (in a good way). We also made our annual trip to DSW where I got some shoes and a LBP (little black purse) to use when I don't have to take Quinn's diaper bag. Everyone says 25 is a great year so I'm looking forward to it.

I am also 17 weeks pregnant. I feel like the time is going by a lot faster with this pregnancy. We will learn the gender on March 4....we are so excited! I just hope that the baby is healthy and growing. I don't care what the gender is. If it's a boy we can use all of Quinn's clothes. If it's a girl, we will have our girl and a balanced little family.

I hate to say that this pregnancy has been easier than Quinn's so far if that is even possible. I wasn't as sick during the first trimester and things are progressing smoothly. My stomach is starting to pop out. I don't think I look pregnant yet, it just looks like I've put on a few pounds which wouldn't be far off taking into consideration all of the treats I have been eating lately. There hasn't been one specific food I've been craving. For a while I just wanted fresh, cool, crisp vegetables. Thai lettuce wraps sum up that craving perfectly. I don't particularly favor anything right now. It's difficult to pinpoint what sounds good; consequently, I haven't been so good about making dinner. Christian has made a lot of trips to Kneaders lately. I'm not complaining, but it probably isn't the best fiscal option.

Derek stopped by to have some of Christian's "going away cake" (oh yeah, he is quitting Goldsmith) and he and Quinn were matching...and so it begins...

We celebrated mine and Noah's birthdays on Sunday at Shanda's house.