Wednesday, September 25, 2013

6 Months!

I apologize to my one avid fan (you know who you are) for the large gap between postings. For some reason it's hard to find the time when I'm getting thrown up on, the cat is getting peed on, I only sleep for hour and a half blocks, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and taking care of my six month old...need I say more? Needless to say it has been a crazy six months. But it isn't about me anymore; I have given up regular showers, a full night's sleep, and makeup and hair time for my 6 month old baby Quinn, and I couldn't be happier. Who needs to shower anyways? Quinn has been so much fun I don't even miss feeling clean. His quick smiles and array of cute expressions can keep me going all day.

Quinn had his six month doctor's appointment on Tuesday. He weighs 18 lbs and is 27.75 inches long. His weight is in the 60th percentile and his height is in the 90th, so I have a tall, skinny boy. He is really good at army crawling, and he can now get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth. He just needs to coordinate moving his hands and knees together. He loves getting a hold of cell phones and ipods and pulling hair.

 Leeroy is the most exciting thing in our little apartment. It doesn't matter if Quinn is crying or eating or trying to fall asleep; he will always cry out when he sees the Leeroy kitty walking by. Leeroy still doesn't know what to think of this baby, so he always keeps an eye on him.

Since Quinn is learning how to sit up and crawl he has this really funny pose when he stops halfway in between being on his tummy and crawling. He lays on his side like he is posing on a beach for a photo shoot.

Our favorite thing to do is visit dad for lunch and look at all the pretty sparkly things in the jewelry cases and maybe even try a few on...I think this one looks pretty good on me!

 We have been waiting so long for it to cool down so I can walk with Quinn anytime of the day and not just early morning and late evening. We were granted maybe three days of 80 degree weather before it turned cold enough where now I need to worry about trying to keep him warm. At least he gets to wear this adorable hat Mariah gave him before his head gets too big.

And of course I will throw in all of the other random pictures that I have taken since my last post that are too cute not to share. This video is dedicated to Mom since I know she is too far away to see Quinn's everyday charm, but we look forward to spending baby's first Christmas with Wisconsin Grandma and Grandpa (what he will call them is yet to be determined).

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sure was wishin I was catchin some fishes

For Labor Day weekend Chris and I went up to Strawberry with his dad and Derek. We were so excited for a plentiful day of fishing since Christian's friend told us he got 60+ fish the day before (Jerry's a liar!) We got up at 3:45, dropped Quinn off with Grandma and headed out to enjoy our day off. The weather held out, but everything else fell apart. Our boat we rented cut out every thirty seconds when we were in full throttle trying to get across the lake, and it made a horrible screeching sound the gradually got louder and louder until Derek cut the engine. Don't worry, it returned during our last hour to accompany us in to the marina. And the worst part of all was the fishing. I caught three, one I didn't even know I had on and I drug it through the reservoir during my 45 minute nap. Christian and Derek both caught one fish. Other than that we had no bites! It was so dead; we couldn't believe it. Despite the fishing, we enjoyed the company and being outside, but next time I really hope there's a little more action.

Side Note: On our way to family night we drove through an isolated thunderstorm and this was the result.

Just Because...

First I would like to congratulate Christian on his new job! Last week he got to say so long to the elements, foul-mouthed kids, and his beard. He is now working full-time in a sweet climate controlled showroom surrounded by beautiful, sparkly things---that's right, my man is selling jewelry! He started his first week at Goldsmith Jewelers and is excited for all the new skills he will learn and the new doors this may open. The only downside is that Quinn and I have to adjust to being home alone until 6:30ish everyday. I know that's pretty normal; we're just used to him being home earlier than that.

Quinn has started his first attempts at crawling, and he cannot hold still! He is all over the place. I'm not sure if he has any specific destinations in mind, but he is definitely mobile. The other night at Melissa's mom's house Quinn took advantage of the large, carpeted floor space. Cory put out a pink pen for Quinn to "crawl" to, and it may have taken him a while with a few detours along the way, but he reached the object of his interest.

I have missed out on posting a few random pictures that are worthy to be shared. I think Quinn might be realizing what a camera is and how to pose. If you don't believe me, these pictures are proof...