Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Love Trifecta

For those of you who don't know, February is an exciting month for me...I mean us...well maybe just me. The 7th is my birthday, 14th- Valentine's Day, and the 21st is our anniversary. We were so anxious to get married we didn't really consider the future implications of our date. Somehow we've managed to live through it the last six years.

My birthday was really great! For my present, Christian let me go shopping without the kids. I don't think that will ever happen again, but it was nice to have the one time. Now Christian understands why I go a little crazy sometimes. We also went out to dinner with my parents, the Wothe children, and Steve and Ashley while a family from our ward (the Ward family-haha) watched the boys. We joke that no one will want to watch our kids after one time because Daxton has an ear-piercing scream, but I think they survived him. I got a double stroller from my parents, and I am so excited to take it for a spin, but I don't think the temp. has gone higher than 20 degrees since my birthday so it is sitting in the garage still waiting for it's maiden voyage.
 Valentine's Day was uneventful. I had to speak in church that Sunday so preparing for that took up my weekend. Chris got me some chocolate, and I had the intention to get him some, but I never leave the house so I still owe him. He will have to wait for the magical day when I get my hands on a car so I can finally accomplish the hundred little errands I have on my list. My parents were brave enough to go on a candlelit walk at the state park in negative temperatures. When my mom is determined to take a romantic stroll, arctic temperatures will not stop her.

Our anniversary was one I will never forget. We were originally planning to stay in a hotel somewhere so we could sit in a hot tub, but we ended up taking a home vacation and it.was.wonderful. I highly recommend it. I didn't have to pack and unpack a bag or sleep in a strange bed and wonder how clean it really was. It felt like I was staying in some condo without having the kids here. It was really weird, but really needed. That was the first time I have spent a night without a baby since Quinn was born.

We started off by cleaning our carpets Friday night (how romantic). We got to bed at a decent hour, slept in, I woke up and got to use the bathroom uninterrupted, eat a bowl of cereal, and take a shower! Oh the things we take for granted before we have children. We went to the temple then had dinner at the usual anniversary destination--The Cheesecake Factory. Christian got to spend his meal with his mistress (Steak Dianne), and I munched on the Thai Lettuce Wraps, and of course we got our cake to-go.

It was nice to have a night alone, but I was anxious to get back to our kids. Our life would be pretty boring without them. Our six years of marriage wouldn't mean as much without them.

We watched the Wothe's dog for a week. Quinner found a new friend.

One of the good things about our town home is the large windows. We have a set that face west so we can see the beautiful Wisconsin sunsets. 

I had Daxton's food ready to go, but then Quinn asked for something to eat. While I was getting his food together I looked up and saw this. Luckily my phone was on the counter.

Quinn was pretty sick for a few days and didn't have any interest in doing anything else besides watching TV. After he started feeling better I let him make a bit of a mess to make up for the days we did nothing.

6 Years!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

New Tricks

I can't believe Daxton is 6 months! He has really physically progressed so much it seems just in the last week. He is mobile via army crawling. It is just incredible to me because he is so determined and so good at it. If he sees something that he wants he doesn't make a fuss; he just bears down and goes for it. Quinn would get frustrated halfway there, but not Daxton. He pushes through his awkward movements to reach the prize. He can balance while sitting up for a little while unless he is playing with something, then he will topple over. I can't eat while holding him anymore unless I want his chubby little hands in my food, and he is very attracted to my cell phone and the iPad. It is a little alarming to me that they are this appealing to him at a young age. Despite his newfound mobility he is still my little snuggle bug and hopefully stays that way for a long time.

Quinner got his hair cut! It was sad to see his baby locks go, but it was time. Christian gave him a buzz cut, and it took a while to get used to his new do, but he is still my same sweet boy. He will sing songs with me, give kisses, grab bink and blankie for brother, and clean up his toys. Quinn is funny. Instead of coloring with markers he would rather stack them on top of each other. He turns two in March, and I can't wait for his happy day!

My life would be pretty boring without my three boys. I am constantly being challenged and have to learn and grow right along with them, I am grateful for our many blessings and everyday I am in awe at just how blessed I am.