Monday, August 4, 2014

Big Brother Quinner

Quinn is about 16 1/2 months now, and I am loving this age. Everyday I am just baffled that this vibrant, intelligent, and magnanimous child is really mine. He has so much personality, and he is so adorable.

Quinn has always like to sit and stack and sift through things that aren't toys, just household items. I thought it was just a phase, but it has lasted since he was getting into things at 9 or 10 months. When we are playing inside it mostly consists of him taking something out of it's box or container and putting it back in.  Think crayons, flashcards, movies, puzzle pieces, food, etc. We think he is going to be an organized and neat person...crossing my fingers.

Yesterday we were at my parents and hanging out in the basement. We had to wait for baby brother to finish eating and change his diaper before we could leave so my dad set Chris up playing Grand Turismo on the Playstation. Quinn was wondering around and came across the case for the game laying on the floor. Instead of stepping on it or playing with it or something that another toddler would do, he picked it up, closed it, and put it back on top of the console-organizer thing where it was originally. This boy loves to clean up! He sings the song and everything.

Anyways, he is saying a lot of words and is trying to learn more everyday. He has been a great older brother, and he makes us laugh everyday.

Quinner is my mom's little shadow so she decided to try to lash him to her hip to save her arms. It actually kind of worked.

Quinner was eating some meat sauce and started drinking it from the bowl. He got it all over himself.

I really hope these cleaning skills carry on to his teenage years.

Baby Dax is almost three weeks old and doing great! I'm still adjusting to infant care. We forgot how much new babies cry, but compared to toddlers his needs are simple; eat, eat, sleep, eat, and poo.

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